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Our Story

In the summer of 2017 two previously independent congregations began to meet together in the community room at First Southern National Bank on Harrodsburg Road. The goal was to see if we were compatible and if a merger would work. In the fall of 2017 the two churches decided to become one church. The name Freedom Community Christian Church was selected for the new church merger.

In September of 2017 the new church contacted the Minister of the Seven Day Adventist church. SDA was asked if they would be interested in leasing their building to Freedom on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. SDA was gracious enough to allow us to lease their building and their equipment.  Freedom has been meeting there ever since.

The new church merger has been very smooth with little or no conflict. God has blessed this new church with a lot of Harmony and Love. We feel God has had His hand on this Church from its inception. The most common word used to describe the church by those who attend is “Family”. We feel like we are a family that loves and accepts everyone that attends. We are committed to doing God’s will, loving people and winning lost people to Christ. We are looking forward to a long and prosperous future.

Our Story

Here at Freedom we desire to submit our lives to Christ Jesus and His teachings. God has blessed our church and has had His hand on every step of our journey. We want to invite you to come and check out our Church Family, we think we are the best kept secret in Lexington. Listed belowis a summary of what we believe and what we teach.

In matters of essentials we have unity - Ephesians 4:4-6Romans 15:5
In matters of opinion we have liberty - Romans 14:1, 4, 12, 22
In all things Christ - 1 John 4:7I Corinthians 13:2 & 13

This we believe

God - We believe there is one God; who is creator of all things, and sustainer of life holiness, wisdom and love. He exists forever as three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. (Acts 17:24-30Hebrews 11:3James 1:17)


Jesus Christ - We believe in Jesus Christ God's one and only son. We believe he was born of a virgin, both fully human and fully divine. We believe he lived a sinless life suffering and dying on a Roman cross. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sin filled lives. We believe He rose bodily from the dead on the third day and will return to earth one day to judge both the living and the dead. (1 John 4:9Luke 1:26-38Luke 23:1-461 Corinthians 15:1-8Acts 10:39-42)


Holy Spirit - We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is active in both the world and Christians today. We believe he convicts the world of sin and their need for forgiveness in Christ. We believe He comes to live in those who accept Jesus as their Savior. He guides, instructs, and empowers the Christ follower in spiritual growth, daily living, and service to Jesus Christ and to others. (John 16:5-15Acts 2:38Romans 8:26-27)


Bible - We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testament to be the inspired word of God, and without error in its orginal writing. The scriptures are the final authority for all matters of Christian faith and practice. (1 Corinthians 2:12-132 Timothy 3:14-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)


Humanity - We believe all people were created uniquely by God in His image in order to have a relationship with Him. We believe man and woman have separated themselves from their relationship with God by sinning against Him. All Humans are able to renew their relationship with God through accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. (Genesis 1:27Acts 4:12Romans 3:23 and 6:23)


Salvation - We believe that salvation-the forgiveness of sins and eternal life-can belong to all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We believe it is a simple process, one must first believe that God is real, second, one must repent of ones sins, third, one must confess their faith in Christ Jesus verbally and by the way one lives their life, fourth, we believe  a confessed believe will submit to water Baptism by immersion and finally, one must commit to following the teachings of Holy Scripture for the rest of their lives. (John 3:16Ephesians 2:8-9Galatians 3:26-28,Romans 6:1-7Colossians 2:6Acts 2:38)


Church - We believe there is only one church, founded on the day of Pentecost and consist of all people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. We believe scripture teaches Christ followers to gather together for worship, prayer, teaching of God's word, to build up the Body of Christ, through our gifts, worship, outreach, communion, and baptism. We believe Jesus Christ is the Lord and head of the church and that each local church has the right under Christ to decide and govern it's own affairs. (Acts 2:14-471 Peter 5:1-41 Corinthians 12:12-31Matthew 


Freedom - We believe that freedom is found when someone recognize that they are lost in their sin and needs a Savior. We also believe that one is set free from their sin when they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and Savior.  They are then free to live a life free from guilt and shame. This Freedom is available to all men and women regardless of their past. (Galatians 5:1 and 13; II Corinthians 3:17; Ephesians 3:12; John 8:32 and 36)

Mission Statement

Going in faith. Sowing in hope. Serving in love. Living in freedom.

Mission & Core Values
Core Values


We have a strong commitment to worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth. We want everyone entering our services to experience God on a personal level through music that is up to date and always honoring our heritage and through culturally relevant messages that are based on God’s word. (I Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 95:6-9; John 4:24)


Believing the Bible is the infallible inerrant Word of God in its original writings we use it as the primary source for teaching, preaching and daily living.  (John 17:17; II Timothy 3:16,17;  


Transformed Lives (Evangelism and Spiritual Growth)
Valuing the transformation that takes place when people accept Jesus as Lord and Savior we are committed to making disciples in our community and around the world.  (Matthew 28:19,20; Ephesians 2:4-10; II Corinthians 5: 17-21)


Small Groups (Life Groups)

Realizing people are best discipled and nurtured in Biblically functioning communities, small groups are provided to meet the various needs of all our people. (Acts 2:42-47; Heb 10:23-25)

Ministry Outside Our Walls

Recognizing that there is a great need in our community and in the world we are committed to serving outside the walls of our church.  We will provide opportunities for our people to serve individually and as a body of believers in our community and in the world. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Everyone is a Minister
Understanding that God has equipped Christians with spiritual gifts for Kingdom service we endeavor to engage every Christian in meaningful ministry. (Romans 12:3-8; I Peter 4:10)

Spiritual Disciplines (Habits)
Acknowledging the values of a daily relationship with Jesus, we will strive to teach all of God’s people the importance of prayer, personal Bible study, journaling, fasting, giving, and being accountable to other believers and to God. (Galatians 5:22-25; I Peter 1:5-8; II Peter 3:18)


Care Giving
Following Jesus’ example we care for people in our church and community in need of comfort and help. (Galatians 2:10; James 1:27; Matthew 5:7)


Church As Family
It will be our desire to build a culture of Love and Acceptance and for everyone to feel at home and that we are a family.

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